Mastercard Digital Enablement Fee

Wondering about the “digital enablement fee” on your credit card processing statement? Mastercard’s Digital Enablement Fee is a charge to businesses that accept card-not-present transactions, such as  those made on ecommerce websites.

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Venmo for Business

With bill splitting apps like Venmo rising in popularity, especially among younger demographics, many businesses are wondering about accepting those payment methods directly. While Venmo does allow for business use, there are limitations – as well as some concerns – to be aware of.

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High Risk Merchant Accounts

In credit card processing, certain businesses are considered “high risk” and will need a processor that specifically supports those business types. But there’s some confusion about what exactly “high risk” means.

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Instant Payments – Changes are Coming

The world of payments and processing does not evolve quickly. While we’ve seen recent technological improvements through EMV chip cards and NFC/contactless payment methods, other parts of the payment processing ecosystem are slower to change.

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