
Dejavoo Z8 Reviews

by Ben Dwyer

The Dejavoo Z8 Dual Comm contactless terminal is a feature-rich countertop terminal for businesses that accept credit cards. The terminal includes built-in capability to process both EMV chip cards and contactless (NFC) payments, such as MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave.

The machine also allows acceptance of traditional magnetic stripe credit cards, and both PIN-based and signature-based debit cards. An integrated PIN pad fast and secure customer PIN entry. A built-in printer includes graphics capabilities, allowing for tailored receipts.


The Dejavoo Z8 countertop credit card machine boasts several features that make it a convenient and flexible choice for your business. The terminal offers multiple connection options, a backlit LCD screen for high visibility viewing no matter the lighting conditions, a keypad that includes function keys, and a built-in printer. Additionally, the small size makes the terminal convenient for environments that don’t have a lot of space for a bulky credit card machine.

Locked Terminals

Wondering how to check if a Dejavoo Z8 machine is locked? There’s a simple way to find out:

1. Press OK
2. Press Ok on Utility
3. Enter password of 1234

If terminal accepts password it’s unlocked.

Note that if your terminal is locked but you have the new password, some processors will still be able to reprogram the terminal for you.


Just looking for quick details? Here are the specs for the Dejavoo Z8.

The Dejavoo Z8 countertop credit card machine offers a choice of connections, including dial-up, Ethernet, and Wifi.
The Z8 is also Bluetooth-enabled and includes serial and USB ports.

A 2.4″ backlit LCD color screen provides a bright, easy-to-read screen for businesses and customers.

The Dejavoo Z8 terminal features 15 standard keys and 6 function keys for quick entry.

Weighing 375 grams, the Z8 is light enough for prolonged handling and is designed for portability. The terminal is 190mm L x 78mm W x 78mm H.

The Dejavoo Z8 credit card machine includes memory to perform essential functions. The terminal boasts 192MB of total memory, broken down as 128MB of flash memory and 64MB of DDR RAM. The terminal has the ability to hold 30,000+ transactions in a single batch.

The build-in graphical printer on the Dejavoo Z8 prints at 100mm per second, ensuring that printing receipts won’t hold up customers and create longer lines.

Compatible Credit Card Processors

The Dejavoo Z8 is not a proprietary terminal, meaning that it’s compatible with many different processors. Additionally, Z8s can be reprogrammed by some processors. If you already use a Z8 and are considering switching processors, be sure to check with the new processor about reprogramming your terminal before you cancel your existing service.


Exact costs for the Z8 will vary depending on where you purchase the machine. The Z8 will typically cost a few hundred dollars to purchase outright.

At CardFellow, we recommend purchasing equipment from your processor, as you’re less likely to run into compatibility issues that way. When you choose a processor through CardFellow, you’ll also have the option to purchase equipment at or close to cost.

The costs for the machine itself are separate from the costs to take credit cards. Rates and fees for credit and debit acceptance are set by your processor. You can get a quote for credit card processing and the Z8 machine right here through this review. It’s free, private, and there’s no obligation. Just fill out the short business profile (don’t worry, we keep your contact info private!) to see quotes instantly. Try it now!

Product Features


Credit Card Machines

  • Dial-Up
  • Dual/Comm
  • Wireless
  • Wifi
  • Contactless
  • EMV/ Smartcard
  • Built in Contactless Reader
  • NFC Capable
  • Internal PIN Pad
  • Store & Forward
  • Multiple merchant support
  • Multi application support
  • Encrypted