Processor Directory > Element Payment Services

Element Payment Services Review

Element Payment Services is a Vantiv-owned company headquartered in Arizona. It was founded in 2001 and acquired by Vantiv in 2013. You may see it referred to as Element or as Vantiv Integrated Services.
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*** Element Payment Services, combined with Mercury Payment Systems, is now known as Vantiv Integrated Payments. You may continue to see the company referred to as Element during the rebranding, or see both Element and Vantiv Integrated Payments used to refer to Element. ***

Element Payment Services offers solutions to larger businesses and enterprises, but also offers processing for small and mid-sized businesses. Card processing is available through the common avenues, including in-person, online, and via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Element Payment Services, Inc. is a registered ISO and MSP of Fifth Third Bank. This Element Payment Services review and profile provides all the details you need when looking for the right credit card processing company.

What processing services does Element offer?

Element Payment Services provides the ability to process payment types through several channels. You can accept credit and debit cards in person with traditional point-of-sale equipment, online, using a virtual terminal, or with a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone.

In Person

Element’s Express processing interface is a scalable solution that works with a variety of in-person payment terminals. The Express interface is PCI compliant, and integrates easily with business management software for simple business tracking and analyzing.


If you accept payments online, Element Payment Services offers TransForm Hosted Payments, a fully integrated e-commerce option designed for maximum security and convenience. With a hosted payment solution, Element handles sensitive cardholder data and can store information in a secure card vault, reducing the PCI compliance scope for merchants. Additionally, you can set up recurring billing for any goods or services offered on a set schedule and charged to customers.

Virtual Terminal

Existing computers with internet access can be used as a virtual terminal with Element. The virtual terminal allows secure transaction processing and is ideal for use in place of a point-of-sale terminal in store or for mail or telephone orders. Additionally, the virtual terminal supports recurring billing, allowing automatic billing for repeat transactions on a regular schedule.


If you need to be able to accept payments in a variety of locations, Element Payment Services offers the TransForm Mobile and TransForm Payments2Go solutions, turning existing mobile devices into a payment terminal. TransForm Mobile is a fully integrated option, providing payment processing and business management software in one. The Payments2Go system is a downloadable payment app allowing payment acceptance with the security of point-to-point encryption.

Element’s TransForm Mobile solutions are both ideal for businesses that frequently accept payments on the go, such as landscapers, delivery businesses like florists and pizza drivers, contractors, artists, and more.

Security and Fraud Prevention

Element utilizes point-to-point encryption and tokenization for cardholder security. These solutions also help you achieve PCI compliance by allowing eligibility to take a shorter version of the PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire required of businesses.

Element Payment Services Rates and Fees

Element Payment Services doesn’t publish rates or fees on their website. That’s fairly common with processors, but doesn’t help you find out exactly what your costs will be. Fortunately, you can get a fully-disclosed quote to review in private. Just request an Element Payment Services quotes through CardFellow.

Sign in to your CardFellow account (or sign up here - it’s free!) and use our one-click rate request option to get your quote.

Element Payment Services Reviews

Element Payment Services has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 2005 and currently has an A+ rating. Element has had 13 complaints lodged with the BBB in the past 3 years. The complaints allege unauthorized debits, long holds on funds, undisclosed annual fees, and continuing debits after account cancellation.

In addition to the complaints, Element has two written reviews available on the Better Business Bureau’s website. One review is marked negative and one neutral. The negative review complains of constant rate increases and the addition of service fees and annual fees. The neutral review states that the business signed up with Element and then didn’t use the services but was subjected to an expensive early termination fee that they were not informed of prior to signing up.

Element Payment Services does not have a section of their website dedicated to testimonials, so we don’t have customer reviews to include here. Howeer, Element lists themselves as a winner of the Business Solutions Best Channel Vendor award for 2010 - 2014.

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Posted by CardFellow on Mar 22, 2016


Element Pay Systems is now Vantiv Integrated Payments.
